Volunteer Activities

Welcome to the Onsite Volunteer Training Catalog

Upper-tier programming and Special ProjectsÌý²¹±¹²¹¾±±ô²¹²ú±ô±ðÌý±ð³æ³¦±ô³Ü²õ¾±±¹±ð±ô²âÌýto trained, Level 1ÌýOnsite Anti-Cruelty Volunteers. ViewÌýthe different ways Level 1 Volunteers can help at Anti-Cruelty.Ìý

If you are not an approved Anti-Cruelty VolunteerÌýlearn how to become oneÌýhere.ÌýSendÌýquestions about volunteeringÌýto volunteer@anticruelty.org.


Onsite Volunteers Make The Difference!


Guest Services, Animal Upkeep & Behavioral, Veterinary, and Community Support. Anti-Cruelty Volunteers contribute their talents to help Anti-Cruelty attain their ideals in each of these areas.

Browse The Volunteer Training & ActivitiesÌýCatalog by clicking the descriptionÌýboxes below.ÌýÌý

Approved Anti-Cruelty Volunteers canÌýfind activities toÌýsimply joinÌýalong withÌýactivities that require in-person training forÌýparticipation.

Notice the training prerequisites at the bottom of each descriptor and direction on how to get involved inÌýtheseÌýinitiatives.Ìý

The Volunteer ResourcesÌýManager

Non-Kim Laundry Market

Shelter Laundry


The need for clean LaundryÌýin ourÌýshelterÌýnever-ever ceases.ÌýIt`s because every singleÌýanimalÌýin our care must haveÌýclean & dryÌýbedding every single day.ÌýÌý

Anti-CrueltyÌývolunteersÌýcanÌýhelp with this effort, due to their special access insideÌýour animal shelter.Ìý

You can justÌý"flip" a clean load into the dryer, fold a dry load, or if you`re feeling brave, you can start a wash (it`s not that bad, really).Ìý

AnyÌýof these actions you help withÌýprovidesÌýready bedding for the animals in our care!

Wanna put some hardÌýtime into providing bedding for shelter animals? Schedule Laundry Assistance anytime between 9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.Ìýunder The Shelter CategoryÌýin your profile.

ThoseÌýLaundry Hours you devoteÌýare important andÌýare reported directly to leadership.ÌýBe sure to log your volunteer laundry hours before the beginning of each month.

DRT DC2 Melissa

Rescue Dog Transports


Line up withÌýstaff & volunteers receiving a transport of rescue dogs from out of state shelters.Ìý

Hold, soothe, and distract puppiesÌý&Ìýdogs as they receiveÌýtheirÌýoral, nasal, and subcutaneousÌývaccinations.ÌýMeet and help the staffÌýwithÌýthis fast-pacedÌýdoggy reception.

Clean Aprons from the Laundry Area will protect your clothes from soggy paws & missed oral dewormer attempts.

An excellent featureÌýto add to your eveningÌýroutine!

Level 1 Dog andÌýCat volunteers can scheduleÌýin this open activity under the Shelter Category >ÌýRescue Dog Transport Assistance.Ìý


PSCAS Market

PetSmart Cat Adoption Support


Use your Cat Matchmaker Qualification to socialize cats & assist adopters at one of ourÌýPetSmart partner cat adoption spaces.

Tend to Shelter cats awaiting placement &Ìýwork directly with PetSmart staff and visitorsÌýhoping to find aÌýnewÌýcompanion.Ìý

Serving as a PetSmart Cat Adoption Support volunteerÌýhelps cats until they find a newÌýhomeÌýwhile supporting an important partnership.

Help us help them find a lifelong companion at one of our nearby partner spaces:

  • Andersonville
  • Evanston
  • Kingsbury
  • Wrigleyville

PetSmart Cat Adoption Support is available to any qualified Cat Adoption Matchmaker Volunteer.

Susan & Allison Caravan Training

The Cat Caravan Volunteer Project

The Cat Caravan Volunteer ProjectÌýdeliversÌýadoption-ready cats to neighboring PetSmarts,Ìýexpanding the range of ourÌýcat adoption program.Ìý

Astute attention on how to behave around & transport cats,Ìýkeeping transport stress lowÌýis important.

Join our Cat Caravan and become a hero for shelter cat adoption.ÌýEmail:Ìýkscolan@anticruelty.orgÌýto learn more about CatÌýCaravans.

Ride Along withÌýa real cat volunteerÌýsuperstarÌýto learn how toÌýhelpÌýmoreÌýshelter cats find homes by scheduling a Ride Along Training under Project Training.

Please noteÌýthat a Volunteer Cat,Ìýor Foster Program qualificationÌýis the prerequisite to attend training.

DC2 Jeff JAM Play

JAM High Active Dog Exercise Play

When walks or quiet time just isn`t enough to relieveÌýhighly active, adolescent shelter dogs. Leash biting, caused by boredom & frustration is an indicator that some good old fashioned, "Swap & Fetch"ÌýplayÌýis needed.

Jam Play-trained volunteers must be attentive to managing arousal, ensuringÌýsessions concludeÌýwith a gentle, generous cool down period.

Email: etostado@anticruelty.org to schedule training on how to exercise Jumpy And Mouthy shelter dogs, safely.ÌýÌý

A Volunteer dog program qualification & the will to handle highly active dogs are the prerequisites to attend training.

A Level 2 Dog Advancement Volunteer Rock Star is ready to work with you.

Opportunity: Petography

The Volunteer Petography ProgramÌý


How are we drawing in the public to meetÌýtheir new, lifelong companion? We`reÌýusing the power of photography to speak directly to the heart!ÌýIf you`ve gotÌýan eye for gettingÌýeyes on our pets andÌýaÌýknack for capturing compelling mediaÌýof adoptable pets, thenÌýwe need you!

Go further than photos and learn how to utilizeÌýanimal behavior & placement info to craft accurate & captivating animal description bios in Level 2 Petography.

Contact our Petography Lead Adoption Experience Supervisor Kamari: kperry@anticruelty.org forÌýinfo.

Clinic Patient Care Dog

The Volunteer Clinic Patient Care Program


Hospitalized animalsÌýneed specialÌýsocialization & special quiet time outÌýin our Adoption Garden. VolunteerÌýyour effort to helpÌýour veterinary assistants in theÌýdaily care & upkeepÌýof our patient's enclosures, many of whichÌýrequiringÌýdirect instruction on special handlingÌýrelated to aÌýspecific injury or status.

Clinic Patient Care Volunteers learn to feelÌýcomfortable in the ClinicÌýbecomingÌýfamiliar withÌýit`sÌýoperation.ÌýThis program directly supports the Post Surgical Recovery volunteers on weekdays, providing animal socialization on the weekends.

Clinic Patient Care is a Level 2 ClinicÌýProgram requiring 25 non-incident volunteer hours in either a shelter dog or cat program. Training is available on certain Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (trainer provides wideÌýspanÌýif needed).

Email: etostado@anticruelty.orgÌýto meet our wonderful volunteer CPC Instructor!Ìý

Bev CRehab Trainer

The Cat Rehab Socialization Program

The Cat Rehab Center is an important resourceÌýfor the treatment and segregationÌýof sick cats. Protecting the overall cat population from illness,ÌýmainlyÌýUpper Respiratory Infection.

Sick cats in treatmentÌýcan experience a drop inÌýappetite complicatingÌýrecovery.

Just some of yourÌýtime, some soft talk, andÌýyour touch canÌýmake them feel betterÌýprovokingÌýa "social feeding response"ÌýsavingÌýlives.

We work doublyÌýto helpÌýcats duringÌýtreatment &Ìýensuring not toÌýspreadÌýU.R.I into other cat areasÌýby following expertlyÌýthe Cat Rehab PPE & Order of Operation.

Help catsÌýrecoverÌýby helpingÌýthem feel loved.

Twenty Five non-incident volunteer hours in a shelter cat program is the pre-requisite to attend training.

Email: etostado@anticruelty.org to meetÌýour wonderfulÌýCat Rehab volunteer trainer.

PSR Descriptor Lisa

The Volunteer Post Surgical Recovery Program


Work directly with medical staff to careÌýforÌýanimals throughout the recovery process,Ìýpreventing post-op complications by monitoring vital signs, and assisting in each pet`s recovery back to aÌýconscious state.

Affordable or no-cost spay & neuter services isÌýaÌýpowerful weapon against pet overpopulation in our field of Animal Welfare.

Twenty-Five non-incident volunteer hours in a shelter cat &Ìýdog program, along withÌý25 non-incident hours in Clinic Patient Care,ÌýareÌýthe pre-requisites to begin training. The path to participate in The Post-Surgical Recovery Program may seem daunting to a newÌývolunteer,Ìýhowever,Ìýit is the will of the individual alone that decides the impact theyÌýcanÌýmake in our field of Animal Welfare. To map out your wayÌýemail: etostado@anticruelty.org

Expert volunteer recoveryÌýtrainers are readyÌýto meetÌýwhen you are ready to help in this fast-paced Level 3 Volunteer Program!

Physical Exam Angela/Primiano

The Physical Examination Assistance Program

Work directly with our veterinarians to holdÌýshelter animals during thisÌýintegral portionÌýof our shelteringÌýprocess.

Learn to apply ourÌýgentle but true hold. Touch & talk to sootheÌýanimalsÌýasÌýourÌýveterinarianÌýperforms anÌýexamÌý&Ìýblood drawÌýfor analysis.

Weekends 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. are exam timeÌýand a well-trainedÌýPhysical Examination Assistance volunteer can empowerÌýour medical staff to help more animals.

Twenty-five non-incident volunteer hours in both a dog & cat volunteer programÌýis the pre-requisite to attend training. Top animalÌýhandling skill & body language IdentificationÌýis a mustÌýinÌýthis Lv.3 Medical Handling Program.

If you fit the prequalification, we haveÌýexcellent,Ìýhighly committed, skilledÌývolunteer instructors who will work with youÌýon certainÌýweekends.

Email: etostado@anticruelty.org to arrange training.

Choice Enrichment

Volunteer From Home

Craft choiceÌýin-kennel enrichment toys for the animals to enjoy. It`s important for sheltered animals to receive a novel, food/puzzle toy In their enclosure, every day to keep them busyÌýwithÌýnew tastes, or textures. Behavior staff mayÌýspray themÌýwithÌýfood-safeÌýscent extractsÌýto maximize variety.

Cats love:

Dogs love:

Small mammals love:

Deliver your choiceÌýcraftÌýdonationsÌýto our Welcome Team at 510 N LasalleÌýtoÌýbenefit the animals in our care!Ìý

Gumshoe Tiger

Craigslist PetPatrol


A specialized (psst, undercover) group of Anti-Cruelty volunteers scan listings on Craigslist to perform valuable outreach on behalf of Chicago pets in precarious circumstances.

Flag the illegal selling of pets, offer Anti-Cruelty services to animals being given away, speak up forÌýshelter adoption to individuals lookingÌýto purchaseÌýpets,Ìýand spread our message of Animal Welfare to theÌýcommunity.Ìý

It`s easy, and we work under the anonymity of us, together.

Email: akulla@anticruelty.org to learn more.

This is Gumshoe Tiger,

