About Spay/Neuter

Spaying or Neutering

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Spaying or neutering your pet is one of the most important things you can do for your pet. Anti-Cruelty's Spay/Neuter Clinic is able to offer these important surgeries at a greatly reduced price thanks to the generosity of our generous donors.

Anti-Cruelty is committed to providing affordable spay/neuter services to make sure people have access to high-quality, affordable spay/neuter services for their pets. Spaying is the surgery for female cats and dogs; neutering is for males.

Spay/neuter surgery is the most common surgery performed on pets to prevent them from having litters. It also improves their health as there are tremendous health and behavior benefits. Any animal available for adoptionÌýfrom Anti-Cruelty has beenÌýspayed or neutered.

Health and Behavioral Benefits of Spay Neuter Surgery

  • Increases life expectancy. Spaying/neutering your dog mayÌýincrease life expectancy by one to three years. It mayÌýincrease your cat’s life expectancy by three to five years.
  • Reduces or eliminates the risk for mammary gland tumors, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer in females, especially if spayed before the first heat cycle.
  • Eliminates risk of testicular cancer and reduces risk for prostate disease in males.
  • Reduces desire to roam, improving safety by reducing injury from fights or auto accidents. Male dogs can smell females in heat up to five miles away. Statistics show that as many as 85% of dogs hit by cars are unaltered.
  • Reduces overall health issues, which is good for your pet and may also lowerÌýmedical costs.
  • Makes for a better family pet. Pets who are spayed/neutered are easier to train and more focused on their family.
  • Decreases aggressive behavior and creates a safer community. Dog bites are the second most common reason for childrens' emergency room visits. Unneutered male dogs are 18 times more likely to bite; unspayed females are 10 times more likely to bite.
  • Reduces or eliminates spraying and marking by males.
  • Eliminates messy heat cycles for females.

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