
An Update on a Special Pup

Maui Update

Maui went home with his foster dad, Jeff back in May and to help promote this great dog, Jeff created a Facebook page for him called Maui About Town. He posted updates regularly about the adventures Maui would take and the new skills he would learn. It ultimately paid off when his adopters came to meet him in June.Ìý

Jeff recently met up with Angus to catch up on his new life and we learned that Angus love to cuddle and meet new pups. He is keeping his dog brother Indy very active—in fact Indy has lost weight since Angus came into the family. Must be due to the fact that both Indy and Angus love to wrestle and play. Jeff also reported that Angus loves to steal his dads’ shoes and cuddle with them but he does not chew them. He has a great life with frequent visits to Michigan where he plays to hisÌý hearts content. As a social pup, he seems to fit right in with both humans and dogs. What a great forever home!