Home-to-Home Adoptions

Enrolling your pet in Home-to-Home

Anti-Cruelty developed the Home-to-Home adoption service to assist people who are looking to keep their pets out of the shelter system by re-homing them privately. Through this free service, Anti-Cruelty creates a courtesy listing for these adoptable animals to include on our website and social media profiles.

Please carefully read the information below for additional details about this program.

While this is ultimately the better choice for your companion animal, personally re-homing an animal is a process that requires patience. We recommend following these basic tips to ensure re-homing success:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to find a new home for your pet, which requires posting the information and interviewing potential adopters, among other things. Prepare for all of this in advance, and don’t expect to be able to find a good home for your pet in just a few days, or even weeks.
  • Ask close friends and family members if they would be able to take your pet, or if they can vouch for someone who would be able to adopt the animal from you. Always start by talking to people that you trust and that know your pet!
  • Spread the word about your pet through your social circle, including social media websites like Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.
  • DO NOT use Craigslist or other anonymous listing websites to advertise your pet. Craigslist is often used for “flipping” pets to earn a profit, usually with little consideration or oversight into the kinds of homes that these animals end up in.
  • Consider charging a small fee for your pet. If you’re uncomfortable charging someone for the animal, explain the price as covering veterinary bills for vaccinations or spay/neuter surgeries for the pet. Attaching a price to your pet will help weed out some of the less serious potential adopters.
  • Reach out to breed-specific rescues if your pet is a pure-bred or highly sought after mix.
  • Use Anti-Cruelty's Behavior Helpline to get advice on how to correct behaviors that may make your pet more desirable for potential adopters. Issues may include house training, becoming more comfortable around other pets or children, etc. You can call the Helpline at 312-645-8253.
  • Avoid relinquishment if you can. Please consider using Anti-Cruelty (or another animal shelter) as a last resort.
  • DO NOT JUST ABANDON YOUR PETS! Pets are companion animals who can not survive on their own. Please do not “set them free” if you are unable to find them a new home.

In order touse the Home-to-Home service to advertise your adoptable animal to our community of caring, the pet you are trying to re-home must meet the following requirements:

  • The animal isup-to-dateon all recommended vaccines (i.e., rabies, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus for dogs, or feline distemper and rabies for cats);
  • The animal does not have a bite history with people or other animals; and
  • The owner has written a brief but detailedand honest personality profile for the animal that includes how the animal generally behaves around other pets, how the animal behaves around children, any past or existing health issues that the animal has had (including medication the animal is currently taking), the reason for giving up the animal, and the animal’s training history (especially if the animal is already housebroken or not).

We are no longer requiring animals to be spayed/neutered to be eligible for the Home to Home program. We do still strongly encourage getting this life-saving surgery done for your pet/s and would be happy to schedule you an appointment with our low cost spay/neuter clinic.

You will need proof that your pet meets these requirements before your post is listed on our website.

We realize that circumstances arise and that not every pet owner will have animals that meet these requirements. Because of this, Anti-Cruelty is willing to offer the following services to people interested in utilizing our personal re-homing courtesy post services:

  • General advice on screening potential adopters (which can include a copy or slightly altered version of an adoption application)
  • Access to our Community Care Clinic

If your pet meets the criteria above and you are interested in enrolling them in this service, your next step should be to email our Community Impact Team at . We ask that you please include 3 photos of your pet and proof that the animal is up-to-date on required vaccinations. If the animal is spayed/neutered and microchipped (this must include the microchip number and name of the company that issued the chip), please include that information as well. We also request a comprehensive personality profile about the animal that addresses at least the following topics:

  • Name;
  • Breed (for dogs);
  • Age;
  • Weight;
  • Sex;
  • Owner’s contact information (phone and email); and
  • A detailed personality profile that includes:
    • The animal’s behavior around other pets;
    • The animal’s behavior around children;
    • Any past or existing health issues that the animal has had;
    • Any medication the animal may currently be taking;
    • Any dietary restrictions that the animal may have;
    • The animal’s training history (especially whether or not the animal is housebroken); and
  • The owner’s reason for putting the animal up for adoption.

Note: Anti-Cruelty reserves the right to deny any request for a courtesy post or to remove any existing posts at our discretion.

Adopting a pet in the Home-to-Home program

Pets in the Home-to-Home program are NOT located in any of Anti-Cruelty's physical shelter locations. Please refer to the contact information in the profile of the animal to inquire about adopting. Please do NOT click the Adopt Me button. Instead, reach out to the current owner directly via the email provided in the profile. You are not required to fill out an Anti-Cruelty adoption application form for a Home-to-Home animal. 

Anti-Cruelty makes no claims regarding the people using this service or the animals presented here. This is solely a platform for people attempting to re-home animal(s) in their care. We do not vouch for the honesty or accuracy of the statements made by either party in these transactions and cannot guarantee either the health or temperament of these animals. We encourage all parties to use caution and common sense when meeting people you do not know. This service can be a valuable opportunity to keep animals out of shelters and transition them into new homes with a minimum of stress, if used wisely. In order to improve its success, we would appreciate any feedback you wish to provide about your experience using this program. Comments or questions can be sent to sjefferson@anticruelty.org.