Advanced Volunteer Programs

Advanced-Level Volunteer Program

Anti-Cruelty offers our volunteers the unique opportunity to grow their skills as they donate time to the organization. With options to cross-train into advanced care and clinic programs, volunteers can tailor their experience to meet their personal developmental needs.


Level Two Programs

Volunteers that have completed 25 hours of service in a Level 1 program are invited to contact the Volunteer Services Department to schedule training into one of the advanced programs below, or into another Level 1 program. These programs include the following:

Cat Care II & Dog Care IIÌý
In these advanced programs, volunteers work one-on-one with special needs cats or dogs to help them become more adopter-friendly. Working closely with our Animal Behavior & Training team, volunteers in either the Cat Care II or Dog Care II programs will work to help shy pets come out of their shells and teaching animals that exhibit rude behaviors how to channel their energy appropriately. Volunteers looking to join one of these programs must complete 25 hours in either Cat Care I or Dog Care I to move forward with their chosen species.

Volunteers in this program promote the adoption of dogs and cats by taking photos of and writing bios for animals that are currently available for adoption. Candidates looking to join this program must first complete 25 hours in a Level 1 dog- or cat-related program. Volunteers do need have to provide their own equipment, andÌýan eye for aesthetics and good writing skills are a must.

Physical ExaminationsÌý
Volunteers work in our on-site clinic on Saturdays and Sundays to assist veterinarians as they conduct physical examinations of new arrivals. Candidates looking to join this program must first complete 25 hours in a Level 1 dog- andÌýcat-related program. In addition, volunteers should be able to lift up to 30 pounds, stand for long periods of time, and be comfortable climbing stairs.

Clinic Patient CareÌý
Volunteers in this program provide necessary assistance to the on-site staff and the animals that are housed in our on-site clinic. Clinic Patient Care volunteers provide attention, socialization, and comfort to sick and injured animals, while assisting staff with spot-cleaning and general care. Volunteers looking to join this team must first complete 25 hours in a Level 1 dog- or cat-related program and should be able to lift up to 30 pounds.


Level Three Volunteer Programs

In these advanced programs, volunteers are given the unique opportunity to work alongside staff to assist us in helping care for new arrivals or spay/neuter patients. Volunteers that have successfully completed 25 or more hours in a Level 2 program and demonstrated an exceptional proficiency in animal handling may qualify to cross-train into one of the advanced Level 3 programs below.

Post-Surgical RecoveryÌý
Volunteers in this program work in the clinic to assist with the post-surgical recovery of cats and dogs that have undergone a spay/neuter surgery. Candidates looking to join this program must first complete 25 hours in a Level 2 clinic program. In addition, volunteers should be able to lift up to 30 pounds, stand for long periods of time, and be comfortable in the presence of medical equipment and procedures.

Cat Care IIIÌý
Volunteers on this unique team help new feline arrivals adjust to the sights, sounds, and stresses of shelter life. Candidates looking to join this program must have completed 25 hours in the Cat Care II program and have to be nominated by a staff member or current CCIII volunteer.